15 Blog ideas for improving your articles and getting past writer’s block

by | Dec 24, 2022 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

If you feel like your blog is at a standstill and need new ideas to breathe life into it, don’t give up hope! In this day and age, with so much content out there, it takes work to come up with fresh perspectives. However, taking the time to research what your audience might be interested in can spark exciting topics that genuinely grab their attention.

Once you have a few interesting ideas, brainstorming innovative ways to make those ideas come to life is key. Your readers will appreciate the time and effort put in to make the best possible content for them! Don’t let your blog slowly die out due to lack of inspiration – be creative and it’ll soon be well on its way to success!

Make you blog post exciting


1) If you want to have a successful blog, the best blog ideas come from your customers. 

Every time you help a customer with a problem, you have a potential story to tell. So collect them and turn them into exciting blog posts for your readers. If you have solved a problem for one client, there is sure to be someone out there with the same issue searching for an answer.

This is a blog’s purpose. Write for the person you are trying to attract, who you can help succeed, and who can help your business grow.


Speaking directly to your customers and readership is always a good way to start when writing any blog. Connecting with your reader in a meaningful manner not only adds warmth and relatability but helps to achieve the empathy needed for creating engaging subject matter.

Writing in an inspirational tone of voice allows you to think outside the box — getting creative with ideas that will make you and your readers feel differently. In addition, this style inspires other forms of meaningful content, such as stories from customers, industry-specific topics, or challenges aimed at commenting readers – these are all great ways to stay relevant with existing customers and entice new ones!

Below are a few general tips to consider when starting a blog article and keeping your topics relevant to your audience.

Speak Directly to your reader

2) Make sure that the text in your post is clear and concise. 

Write sentences that are short and informative. Make your page easy to understand, which will make your article something someone can read quickly without feeling overwhelmed. Plus, they’ll be more likely to stick around after they find your style interesting! 

3) Create an exciting headline. 

 Make sure that the first headline of your article is engaging, catchy, and intriguing. Then, be sure to summarize with follow-up headlines in the same way. This will draw readers in and makes them curious for more.

4) Add in some humor to your story. 

Do you find yourself writing a blog post and then realizing it’s just too dull? You’re not alone. There are plenty of bloggers who feel the same way, which is why they add some humor to their posts. If you want your blog ideas to stand out from the rest, adding humor might be just what you need.  

So how do you get started with this funny stuff? Most jokes usually begin with making fun of something, so if there’s any topic that annoys or frustrates you, use it as fodder for your next hilarious blog entry. 

But joking shouldn’t be just for the sake of being funny; use it to attract readers, which makes them more likely to come back. People love reading informative blogs that also have a sense of fun. It’s okay if they aren’t the funniest jokes in the world – just make sure they fit with what you’re talking about. And be sure the style of humor matches your brand.

5) Use a call to action in the post. 

This will let readers know what you want them to do next, and hopefully, they’ll be more likely to follow through. A call-to-action can be anything from asking for feedback or inviting people to participate in an activity related to the subject matter of your blog post. For example, if you want people to comment, share, or sign up for an email list, use a call to action at the end of your blog post. A call-to-action can be as simple as “Leave a Comment,” or it could be more detailed and include text like “What are your thoughts on this topic?”

6) Spend time on a blog post before publishing it. 

Make sure it includes original content that is high quality. Long-form articles are generally better than shorter ones. It makes all the difference in attracting your audience and ranking higher in Google search results. Next, review your post for grammar, tone, readability, and logic. Use grammar and spell checker software if you have it. 

Use images or video when possible


7) Use images or videos in your post whenever possible. 

Studies show that people are much more likely to react positively to images and click on them. You can also use a video to show how your blog ideas work in real life. It’ll also help them rank better on Google if they have high-quality material.

Resize your images for placement on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. The images should follow your story as your reader sees it on the device they are using. Be sure the photos and drawings flow accordingly, placed above, below, left, or right with the text they are enhancing.


8) Keep a blog archive so that people can find your content easily.

Creating an archive for your blog posts will allow you to go back and find old content that might be helpful to your readers or provide inspiration for new blog ideas. You need to have an archive so that people can find all of your content easily.

This is especially helpful if people are looking for something specific and are unsure how many posts they might have on the topic or where to start looking. It’ll also help with SEO rankings because Google knows when pages are updated regularly.

Keep you blog archive organized

Use a Category or Tag as a keyword at the end of each post to make it more visible to people searching for that topic specifically.

9) Make sure that you’re interlinking all of your posts on the site with keywords and phrases, so they show up in search results.



Use social media to share your blog posts

10) Encourage readers to share your posts. 

This is a great way to get new viewers and followers for free. You can even share your blog article with friends and family!  Encourage your readers to come back often or subscribe to updates just in case they miss anything.

Include a form to sign up for future blog posts on the sidebar of your site. This will help you to maintain contact with readers and grow it quickly over time, too.

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat for posting updates about your latest posts as well! This is a great way to get your content to more people you already have followers on.

Offer freebies to get your audience to sign up for blog posts updates


11) Offer something in exchange for the email address. 

Like a free printable checklist, ebook, course, or other exclusive content.

Offer a freebie or discount on your blog goods if they subscribe directly from your site. This can help you grow that email list quickly!

Organize a giveaway or competition to boost your blog traffic. This is a great way to get more people involved and interested in what you have to offer.


12) Ask for an expert opinion. 

 Invite another expert in your industry to be a “guest blogger.” They should be someone in the field not usually associated with your company or business but willing to provide their insights and knowledge in exchange for exposure.  

Think outside the box

The first step is figuring out what type of content you’re looking for: do you need help answering general questions about your industry? Is there a specific topic that needs more coverage? Do you want someone from outside of the industry to offer new perspectives? Once it’s clear, start brainstorming for possible candidates and reaching out.

Ask someone knowledgeable and has lots of experience in your field, or if they have written a book about it, or if they’ve been interviewed by major publications, their expertise is already well-known. The best way is to ask them outright because they are usually eager for new opportunities like this one. Now go find some experts who want to write guest posts for you. This is how you can get someone else to promote your work.

13) Participate in other blogs or forums.

 Engage with others on forums or other blogs relevant to your blog’s topic and include a link back to your site. This will give you exposure while also building up the credibility of other places. Participating helps you get your name out there, builds relationships with others, and offers the chance to grow as a writer. You can even post excerpts of your work.

All this leads up to one thing: more people reading your work and following what you have going on. Your blog is a representation of who you are and what your brand stands for. If you’re not taking time to promote yourself, then no one else will either.


Read the blogs of your competitors

14) Competition research is a great way to get blog ideas for future posts. 

If you’re a writer and want to stay relevant in your niche, it’s essential to know how to update the evergreen content of your competitors.

For example, if you’re competing with other bloggers in your niche, research what they publish that’s popular among readers and then create something better.

Keep tabs on what new information is being published by following them on social media, subscribing to their blog posts, and watching Google alerts. Watch for opportunities where the old data becomes outdated or irrelevant so that you can offer something new in response (this may be as simple as changing a statistic or date).

Find holes in your competitor’s coverage by looking at what topics they’ve chosen not to cover. Pay attention to which articles get shared the most – this will give you insight into what people want more of. 


15) Use free online tools to discover blog ideas and trends across the internet.

Follow the latest trends and give your spin on them in your blog


Bloggers can use the Hubspot blog topic generator to start new content or inspiration for blog ideas. It’s easy to use; just type up to five keywords related to your topic of interest. Then, the generator suggests several titles related to your input that are perfect for a blog post.


Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel that helps find long-tail keywords for content marketing ranked by popularity statistics. It’s designed to help businesses find new blog ideas and opportunities or optimize existing campaigns but can be a great way to gather keyword ideas for your blog posts. In addition, it’s a great tool to see all the variations of words related to a blog topic by entering them into the search bar on their website. 


Twitter trends are a way for people to see what is going on worldwide in real-time. Use the #EXPLORE sidebar to discover stories and images already written about your topic to get insight into what’s popular.


Google Trends is a fantastic tool that gives you insight into what is trending and popular right now. Type in a keyword on a blog topic or check out the lists for blog ideas. The key is to look at long-term trends and short-term trends so you can determine if there’s any story worth telling to get noticed by readers.

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